Fascial Unwinding Cancels Torsional Forces by Dorothea Blostein Over the past two years I have undergone a difficult process of large-scale fascial unwinding. In this article I describe my personal impression of the mechanics and forces in fascial unwinding. My impressions have been shaped by treatments provided by four manual therapists (who are not to
Functional Fascial Taping, FFT® is a rapid and effective way to decrease pain, assist function and allow rehabilitation to commence in a pain free environment. Clinically, FFT can be used to determine Soft Tissue Dysfunction in the musculoskeletal conditions with a high degree of accuracy. This article will discuss the overview and results of a
Can you explain how the research project on Functional Fascial Taping (FFT) came about? I have always been interested in being involved in a research project as have always been interested in how and why things work. Someone said to me years ago that you study to do clinical work and then you continue to
An article is based on Robert Schelip’s talk at the 3rd World Fascia Congress in Vancouver 2012 which he called Alice in Wonderland- Getting curioser and curioser. The scientific world and the clinician world rarely meet, and the fascia congress is one of the important events that tried to make scientists and manual therapists meet
Some considerations when treating Plantar Fasciitis by Art Riggs. The skill of the therapist lies in tailoring the treatment to the relevant factors. I was quite intrigued with the recent article about plantar fasciitis and feel that their importance transcends just that condition and has general applications to all of our practices for both our
Carla Stecco in her book Functional atlas of the human fascial system defined Iliotibial Tract (ITT) as a whole fascial stocking completely encircling the thigh and is extensively connected to the lateral intermuscular septum and anchored to the lower part of the femur. The action of the ITT and its associated muscles is to flex and abduct the hip. In addition,
Photo By Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-71706-0011 / Schaar, Helmut / CC-BY-SA 3.0. Recently, there are many reports that claimed ‘‘static’’ stretching (holding a pose for anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes) temporarily reduces muscular power, weakens athletic performance and increases the risk of injury. Skeptics boldly claim that stretching is nothing more than a back
Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal problem condition in many parts of the world and is increasing both among the general population and within specific occupations (such as construction workers and office workers). It affects between 26% and 71% of the population at some point in their lives. Researchers from Spain (Muñoz-Muñoz et al) evaluated
A study published in Journal of Experimental Biology and the Journal of Biomechanics, May 2015, examined how the iliotibial band stores and releases elastic energy to make walking and running more efficient. “We found that the human IT band has the capacity to store 15 to 20 times more elastic energy per body mass than
There has been a great interest in barefoot running. Several athletes running in barefoot were epitomized, Abebe Bikila from Ethiopia ran barefoot and won a marathon gold medal in the 1960 Summer Olympics. (In the 1964 Olympics he won again, but wearing shoes). British runner Bruce Tulloh won the gold medal in the 1962 European