Month: October 2018

More Frequent Massage Sessions are More Effective for Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common condition, with prevalence of 30% to 50% of the population annually. While massage is commonly used for treating neck pain, there is no guideline for an optimal dose. The term “optimal dose” being defined by two factors: the optimal amount of time spent massaging the neck during each treatment the

Why Does Static Stretching Cause Muscle Weakness?

Warm-up stretching is usually performed before an exercise with the aim to reduce the risk of injuries and improve performance. There have been controversial studies that have shown that although static stretching of a muscle-tendon (myofascial) unit temporarily improves joint range of motion (ROM), the static stretching can also temporarily impact the muscles’ ability to

The Effect of Manual Therapy on COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a respiratory condition characterized by progressive airflow limitation that is associated with an inflammatory response The Effect of COPD on Breathing COPD causes expiratory flow limitation (difficulty breathing out) and air trapping (residual air left in the lungs), known clinically as dynamic hyperinflation. This phenomenon leads to increases in

Josephine Key talks about Freedom to Move

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? I’ve been a practicing physiotherapist for over 45 years, the majority of which have been devoted to seeking a better understanding of the spine in both its health and dis-ease. I have developed a model of care which combines manual therapy and complimentary movement therapy which more specifically