Massage therapy is commonly used as a relief from anxiety and stress. Acute treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder often requires 3 months or more of care to optimize response. Currently, there was only few studies that evaluated the effectiveness of massage for GAD. A case series reported that patients with GAD benefited from Swedish Massage
A study from Iran evaluated massage as recovery techniques following exercise‐induced muscle injury in older adults. The study recruited 78 older men and women; they performed a single bout of strength training on the calf muscles to induce muscle injury. After the exercise, participants received either a 15‐min massage on calf muscles or the lower
Proposed mechanical interaction between the deep fascia and the skeletal muscle. In resting conditions (left), a displacement of the muscle (right) will stretch and stiffen the fibrous connections (black lines) to the superficial fascia, potentially leading to its displacement. From Wilke and Tenberg (2020) The deep fascia that envelops the skeletal muscle can play
Environmental enrichment is a term used in neuroscience on the influence of sensory experience on the brain and behaviour. Maternal care in animals, and particularly tactile stimulation through licking and grooming, may represent a key component in the early phases of environmental enrichment. Massage and multisensory stimulation in newborns’ neonatal care have been shown to