The effect of massage therapy is being debated. One method that has been suggested to enhance treatment effects is manipulating the pain mechanisms or factors that contribute to pain perception. A past study suggests that deep pressure massage that induces a moderate amount of pain elicits a hypoalgesic or decreased sensitivity to painful response compared
The inclusion of hamstring lengthening exercises to a rehabilitation programme for acute hamstring injuries reduces the time to return to sport and re-injuries. However, it is unknown whether introducing these exercises early or later in rehabilitation is optimal. A research study from Qatar evaluated the efficacy of early versus delayed introduction of lengthening or eccentric
As we age, our balance diminishes, especially after the mid-50s, followed by an increased risk of falling. A group of researchers led by Brazilian scientist from Rio De Janeiro devise a ten-second one-legged stance (10-second OLS) to investigate its association with mortality. The study was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The test