Month: February 2023

Shin Splint

Shin splint or Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS) is a common overuse injury among athletes caused by a variety of factors such as overtraining, poor footwear, muscular imbalances, a BMI above 30, and imbalances at the thoracolumbar complex. Symptoms include diffuse palpable pain, tenderness along the posteromedial edge of the tibia, and pain along the

Repeated Massage Improves Swimmers’ Perceptions during Training Sessions

A study from Department of Physiotherapy, Sao Paulo State University  investigated the effects of repeated massage on the perceptive, functional, and performance outcomes of a sprint for competitive swimmers. A cross-over randomized controlled trial was conducted with 19 male and female swimmers between 12 and 20 years old. Participants received three 12-minute massage interventions over