Month: May 2024

Impact of Foam Rolling on Hamstring Muscle Stiffness in Non-Damaged and Exercise-Induced Damage States

A study pubslihed in Frontiers in Physiology explored the effects of foam rolling (FR) on the stiffness of hamstring muscles in both non-damaged and exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) states. The study utilized shear wave ultrasound elastography to measure changes in shear modulus, involving fourteen healthy adults in a within-participant repeated measures design. Each participant received

Causal Relationship Between Diabetes and Frozen Shoulder

In recent years, mounting evidence has suggested that diabetes could play a significant role in the development of frozen shoulder. Numerous epidemiological studies have observed a notable increase in the incidence of frozen shoulder among individuals with diabetes compared to those without. A new study published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care explored the