Fascia of the Pelvic Floor
Yogis called it “Mula Bandha”, Pilates Trainers called it the ‘Powerhouse“, a more poetic term would be the ‘inner diamond’. Modern movement science has documented the importance of a healthy tonus regulation of the pelvic floor. Yet in the past, training the pelvic floor has been mainly focusing on strengthening the muscular layers. Modern fascia research highlights the important role of the elastic collagenous tissues to foster a resilient and healthy pelvic floor. These recent findings led to a reorientation in the training, which will be less muscular and static, but adds in a more elastic, bouncing and other specific exercises to strengthen the fascial sheets of the pelvis. The power principles for a supple and resilient pelvic floor training are: > sensory refinement > elastic rebound > muscular toning > fluid rehydration.
In this course, Divo Müller will introduce the theory and practice into this innovative fascial oriented approach
The following topics will be covered:
- The pelvic bone and the concept of the ‘inner diamond’
- Three muscular layers and their functions
- Practical exercises to train the superficial, middle and inner layer
- Fasciae of the pelvis and the pelvic floor
- Hormonal influences, loss of tonicity and fibrosis of collagenous tissues
- The four power principles: sensory refinement, rebound elasticity, muscular toning, and vitalizing rehydration.
- Practical exercises for each power principle
- Masterclass: fascial pelvic floor training in a flow
This course is an invitation to all who love movement and would like to learn more about the modern training concept of the pelvic floor. Previous knowledge about fascial training is helpful, but not necessarily required. The theoretical contents will be inspiring and can be readily transferred into other practical applications.
Date: 11-12 January 2020. 9 am—5 pm every day
Location: Sydney, Venue: Sancta Sophia College, 8 Missenden Rd. Camperdown
Instructor: Divo Muller
For More information visit here