Simulating myofascial manipulation
Simulating myofascial manipulation by Maurizio Ronchi
Myofascial manipulation is thought to bring fibrous coonective tissues to a normal elasticity due to its viscoelastic property of the Ground Substance as well as breaks all cross-links tightness with adjacent tissues returning to the physiological movement to permit a freer joint ROM .
Here I will show you a simple empirical example of viscoelastic change induced by a myofascial manipulation technique:
The picture (A) on the shows an aluminium sheet as the fascial sheet, normal fascial sheet and on (B) I simulate overuse of the fascial sheet. As a result, here the collagen fibers are randomly positioned and the layer is crumpled (C).
Using myofascial manipulation technique, we can induce viscoelastic change with realignment of collagen fibers and reinstating the natural sliding layer due to the mechanical action and heat induced by the technique (D and E).
Obviously, it is not possible to have a myofascial release on all human body connective tissue structures. As indicated by Robert Schleip in the article “Three-dimensional mathematical model for deformation of human fasciae in manual therapy” , in order to have an evident viscolelastic change of Iliotibialband ( ITB ) several tens of kilos of force-weight induced by manipulation are needed and therefore it is impossible to apply. But it is not a useless effort.