February 28, 2017
Spanish Squat Exercise
This exercise is designed to reduce patellar tendon pain and should be done daily as shown below.
- Position belt around a sturdy pillar. The belt is long so any size pillar/pole may be used. Just wrap the belt as many times around pillar as needed so that when you step one leg inside each loop, the belt is around upper calf and your toes against pillar as shown. Make sure loops are even.
- Place legs inside loop (one in each) with toes positioned against the pillar to stop you sliding.
- Squat back as deep as possible keeping your spine upright – don’t lean forward. These two pictures show different ranges but both have a straight spine.
Aim for thighs parallel to ground (e.g. picture on the right) but it is more important that your spine is straight, not how deep you are. Go as deep as you can hold.
Hold this position for 45 seconds five times. Have a two minute rest in between each squat. Don’t come down & up stay squatting down for the whole 45 seconds!
It is possible that the tendon may be slightly uncomfortable, usually early in the first squat, but this improves.
(After Ebonie Rio)