The Effect of Fascia-ReleaZer on Biomechanical and Related Changes in Breakdancers
A self massage device called Fascia-ReleaZer® (FR) was developed for treating myofascial tissue. FR is unique in that it combines a number of features—vibrational oscillation, form edges for leverage, and a vibro-shearing effect. This is unlike foam rolling where the roller is pressed against muscles
A randomized controlled trial was conducted to examine the practicality and effectiveness of FR for promoting meaningful changes in key biomechanical tissue indices. The study was published in Sports-Medicine Open.
One hundred and thirteen male breakdancers from Germany were randomized to an intervention (n = 56) or control group (n = 55). This so-called B-Boys were considered as they perform extremely strenuous physical activities.
Individuals assigned to the intervention group performed the self-help treatment on the quadriceps and the iliotibial band of their right thighs for 8 min, while individuals assigned to the control condition merely sat quietly during this period. Various primary outcome measures (e.g., elasticity, stiffness, range of motion, pain pressure threshold sensitization, and blood flow) were assessed before and after the intervention for each participant, with position and posture being standardized throughout. Subjective sensations and a measure selected to assess for potential experimental demand effects, serving as secondary measures, were also administered pre- to post-treatment.
Protocol of assessment and self-treatment. a Finger-to-Floor Distance Test for the Hamstrings and Triceps Surae. b Passive Thomas Test for Hip flexors. c Objective biomechanical evaluation of tissues. d Pain Pressure Threshold (PPT) indicator of tissue sensitization. eThermography, an indicator of micro-circulation. f Example of standardized self-treatment of the Iliotibial structures. (Image Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License)
The results showed that stiffness was significantly reduced for both the ITB and quad (compared to control). Elasticity and flexibility of the quadriceps were increased significantly. In addition, sensitization was significantly lessened, and local muscle temperatures increased to a significant degree as well when comparing change scores following application of the self-help tool on the treated thighs to those on the untreated thighs. Participants using the self-help tool reported their treated leg as being more relaxed, light, and stable.
The authors concluded that the vibro-shearing manipulation with Fascia-ReleaZer resulted in significant improvements in various objective mechanical tissue properties, range of motion, and pain desensitization in healthy, well-conditioned dancers.
The authors added that these promising effects indicate further basic investigations are warranted, as are pilot investigations with patient populations.
For more information on Fascia-ReleaZer, see