Category: Articles

Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain: a new concept of nonstructural regional pain

Chronic primary musculoskeletal pain is a newly recognized condition (in 2022) that is categorized as nociplastic pain, occurring without identifiable tissue abnormality. This is a paradigm shift in management towards more centrally directed treatment strategies. Patients with myofascial pain may in fact suffer from this condition. Many questions remain, including validation of examination techniques, prevalence,

Foam Rolling Acute Effects on Myofascial Tissue Stiffness and Muscle Strength

Foam rolling (FR) is a popular technique used in physical training and rehabilitation to release muscle tension and improve mobility. However, its effects on myofascial tissue stiffness and muscle strength have remained unclear. To better understand these effects, researchers conducted a systematic review with meta-analysis of trials that tested the acute effects of FR during

Myofascial Therapy: A New Approach to Anxiety Treatment?

A recent study published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies suggests that myofascial therapy may be an effective treatment for clinical anxiety. The study, a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial, involved 36 adult patients with clinical anxiety who were randomly assigned to either the myofascial treatment group or a placebo group. The treatment group

Effectiveness of various methods of manual scar therapy

Scars can form as a result of various factors such as mechanical damages, burns, surgeries, and long-lasting skin diseases, and they can affect most people. Scars can be normal or pathological, with factors such as age, anatomic location, race, and type of trauma increasing the risk of pathological scarring. Pathologic scar formation can lead to

Immediate Effects of Myofascial Techniques on Thoracolumbar Fascia Stiffness, Thickness, and Pain Intensity in Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain

Low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent health issue that has major consequences for quality of life and results in significant financial burden. Recent studies have suggested that fasciae, particularly the thoracolumbar fascia (TLF), may play a role in chronic pain. Myofascial therapy (MFT) targeting fasciae aims to decrease tension in the myofascial tissues, increase

Myofascial Approach Effective in Improving Anxiety Levels

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions worldwide, affecting millions of people. While several therapeutic approaches have been proposed to treat anxiety, the use of complementary and alternative medicine is also gaining momentum. One such approach is the myofascial therapy, which involves the manipulation of the body’s soft tissues to relieve pain

Yoga and massage are associated with smaller placebo effects in chronic pain

Chronic pain is a common and debilitating condition that affects many people. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a type of chronic pain condition that affects the jaw and can be difficult to treat. Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches (CIHA) are a range of treatments, such as yoga and natural products, that are used alongside or instead