Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor that primarily affects children and young adults. It arises from primitive mesenchymal cells with the potential to differentiate into various bone-related cells. The standard treatment for osteosarcoma involves a combination of chemotherapy and surgery. Interestingly, many osteosarcoma patients in the early stages of the disease turn to alternative treatments
Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese therapeutic practice, has gained popularity in the West for managing chronic pain conditions. Recent studies have shown that acupuncture-induced analgesia involves neurotransmitters like opioid peptides, glutamate, and adenosine. Adenosine, a neurotransmitter that binds to adenosine receptors (ARs), especially A1R, plays a crucial role in acupuncture analgesia. Research has demonstrated that acupuncture
Exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMCs) are painful, involuntary muscle contractions that occur during or after exercise, primarily affecting muscles spanning multiple joints that are frequently used during physical activity. The severity of EAMCs can range from a “cramp-prone state” to mild (usually self-treatable and not limiting exercise performance) to serious (requiring medical intervention and exercise cessation).
Percussive therapy has gained popularity as a non-invasive method for enhancing muscle function and reducing musculoskeletal pain. However, specific research on the effects of percussive therapy delivered by massage guns remains limited. A systematic literature review by researcher from The Open University, published in International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, aims to provide insights into
A review article published in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviewsaddresses the connection between strong emotional bonds and physical touch in relationships, which has prompted research into the neurological mechanisms linking social and tactile processes. The discovery of C-tactile afferents (CTs), a class of unmyelinated sensory nerves ideal for encoding gentle skin indentation and motion is usually
Researchers from Imperial College London recently made a groundbreaking discovery about the role of hair follicles in our ability to sense touch. While it was previously believed that only nerve endings in the skin and around the hair follicles were responsible for transmitting the sensation of touch, this new study challenges that notion. The study,
Neck pain is a common ailment that afflicts a substantial portion of the global population, with nearly one-third of people experiencing it on an annual basis. To gain deeper insights into how pain affects the myofascial layers of the neck, a new study set out to investigate its impact on the upper trapezius muscle, particularly
Pelvic posture plays a pivotal role in musculoskeletal health, and anterior pelvic tilt (APT) is a common issue associated with muscular imbalances, particularly in the abdominal and pelvic muscles. While techniques like stretching and massage have been proven effective in addressing APT, the potential benefits of posterior chain and core strength training on this condition
Elastic therapeutic taping has gained widespread popularity as an effective technique for both preventing and treating various neuromusculoskeletal disorders and sports-related injuries. Among the different methods, Kinesio Taping (KT) stands out as a particularly favored approach. While KT is frequently employed to enhance muscular function, there has been a notable gap in our understanding of
Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a treatment technique that has shown promising results in improving musculoskeletal properties and addressing various soft tissue issues. A review published in Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation summarised its therapeutic effectiveness and possible mechanism. The Effect of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) on Musculoskeletal Properties: Soft Tissue Function: IASTM has