Tag: stretching

Self-Massage Before Stretching Improves Stretching Outcomes

Stretching has been proven to increase flexibility (range of motion/ROM). Most studies attribute this to stretch tolerance. A research study from University of Colorado tested to see if altering sensory input during stretching would influence stretching outcomes. The modulation of sensory input that was tested included transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and self-massage with therapy

Neural Effects of Muscle Stretching on Spinal Cord Reflex Excitability

  Non-local effects of muscle stretching have been well documented. For example, unilateral hamstring stretching can cause increased flexibility of the contralateral hamstrings. In addition, stretching of the lower body (hip joint) can cause increased flexibility of the upper body musculature (shoulder joint) and vice versa. The increase in range of motion (ROM) flexibility is

The Cross-Over Effect of Stretching

It is known that stretching can have a non-local effect of the body, a unilateral hamstring stretch can increase the flexibility of contralateral hamstring. Now, a new study examined if stretching of the shoulder would affect hip flexor range of motion, and vice versa. It is well known that stretching one side of hamstring can

Can long-term stretching change the muscle-tendon mechanical properties?

It is well recognized that stretching is an effective method to increase long-term joint range of motion. However, the effects of stretch training on the muscle-tendon structural properties remain unclear. Published in the August 2017 edition of Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, a group of researchers from Portugal, France, and Serbia conducted